5 Tips For Staying Interested In Your Career
Do you wake up feeling pumped about work, or wanting to stay in bed? So much of our lives is spent working. Don’t waste those precious hours doing something you don’t care about. At the very least, you should be interested in what you do.
Only 13% of employees worldwide say they are engaged in their jobs. What about the other 87%? Many of my coaching clients come to me looking to find more meaning in their career, and I am here to tell you that it is possible. You, too, can break out of your career rut and find your purpose.
Don’t know where to start? Here are five tips for staying interested in your career.
1. Know your “why.” This is fundamental and where you need to start. Why do you do what you do? Make sure you’re in a line of work that you find interesting, and then clearly identify why you’re doing it. I highly recommend Simon Sinek’s book, Start With Why, so that you can more deeply connect to your personal career mission.
2. Set digital goals. Now that you know why you’re doing what you do, set up short-term and long-term goals to keep you engaged and on track! I love digital tools and apps since they can give friendly reminders. Want to get promoted in 12 months? What are the steps you can take to get there? Get them on the calendar, and start working.
3. Pick up a new skill. Keep your brain sharp by learning something new. Look into trainings at work, or ask to go to a seminar or conference. Select something that falls outside of your comfort zone but that is still relevant to your career. Your boss will love the added value you’re bringing to the team, while it won’t hurt to add an additional skill to your resume either.
4. Ask for feedback. If you aren’t getting the feedback you need, ask for it.A good manager will want to see that you’re interested in your career as well. Feedback can motivate you to perform better since you’ll feel more valued at work, and it’s a tool for continuous learning. Staying stagnant in your career most likely won’t keep you interested in anything more than a steady paycheck…which can work for a while (if you’re getting paid what you’re worth), but generally isn’t sustainable for career engagement.
5. Be mindful. Start each morning with a positive mantra. Then, watch what you say to yourself and others throughout the day. Avoid negative thoughts and comments about your job, and skip the office gossip. Stop taking everything so personally. Bonus: when you practice mindfulness at work, your stress levels subsequently will go way down.
If you flat out hate your job, follow these tips to stay positiveuntil you’re able to make a switch. Do not stay in a career you despise! I promise that you will never find it interesting.
We all fall into career slumps at one point or another. Personal growth is the key to staying engaged. If you want to stay interested in your career, keep a positive mindset and never stop learning.
I’m excited to see where you go from here.
Ashley Stahl coaches job seekers to find their purpose and land more job offers. She also runs CAKE Publishing, a ghostwriting house that helps influencers create content.